Thursday, 6 February 2025.
Justice Radio Daily Report: Bosnian Serb Military Policeman Acquitted of School Jail Crimes
Bosnian Serb military police commander Savo Babic has been cleared of all charges of crimes against humanity against civilians imprisoned in a school in Bratunac in 1992.
Justice Radio Daily Report: Bosnian Serb War Criminals’ Sentences Cut
The appeals court reduced the sentences of ex-fighters Mirko Pekez and Milorad Savic after their retrial for involvement in the killings of Bosniak villagers in 1992.
Justice Radio Daily Report: NNew Verdict against Pekez and Savic on December 18
On Wednesday, December 18 the Appellate Chamber of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina is due to pronounce a new second instance verdict against Mirko (son of Spiro) Pekez and...
Justice Radio Daily Report: Sentences against the Damjanovic Brothers Reduced
Applying a decision by the European Court for Human Rights in Strasbourg, the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina reduces sentences against both Zoran and Goran Damjanovic by four and a...
Justice Radio Daily Report: First Instance Verdict for Krajina Crimes Quashed
The Appellate Chamber of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina quashes a first instance verdict, under which Mehura Selimovic, Adil Ruznic and Emir Mustafic were sentenced to a total of...
Justice Radio Daily Report: Jail Urged for Atrocities in Bosnia’s Prozor
Državno tužilaštvo je u završnoj riječi zatražilo da nekadašnji pripadnik Hrvatskog vijeća obrane (HVO) Željko Jukić bude proglašen krivim za progon i druge zločine počinjene nad Bošnjacima u Prozoru, te...
Justice Radio Daily Report: Order for Apprehension of Witness Issued
A protected State Prosecution witness, who was invited to testify at the trial for crimes in Zenica, will be apprehended to the next hearing, because he refused to appear in...
Justice Radio Daily Report: Father Killed While Used as Human Shield
As the trial for crimes in the Vogosca area continues, a State Prosecution witness says that his father was killed while the two of them were being used as human...
Justice Radio Daily Report:Bosniak Fighters Demand Acquittals Over Serb Killings
Four former Bosniak Territorial Defence fighters accused of attacking the village of Serdari in 1992, when 16 Serb civilians were killed, called for not guilty verdicts as their trial concluded.