Wednesday, 5 February 2025.
Justice Radio Daily Report: Female Bosnian Serb Fighters Indicted for War Crimes
Former fighters Bora Kuburic and Radmila Banjac are accused of torturing and humiliating a wounded Bosniak nurse in the village of Rodic near Bosanska Krupa in 1992.
Justice Radio Daily Report: Mladjenovic Jailed for Burning Houses in Bratunac
Ex-fighter Najdan Mladjenovic was sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison for his role in torching the homes of Bosniak civilians in the eastern municipality of Bratunac in May 1992.
Justice Radio Daily Report: Discussion on Subordination of “Zulfikar” Squad
Testifying at the trial for crimes in Trusina village, Konjic municipality, a Defence witness says that he did not hear that Nihad Bojadzic was in a village near Trusina in...
Justice Radio Daily Report: Vlahovic Appeals 45-Year Jailing
Veselin Vlahovic, alias ‘Batko’, has appealed against his lengthy sentence for a campaign of murder, rape, torture and robbery against Bosniaks and Croats in Sarajevo in 1992.
Justice Radio Daily Report: Everybody Knows Who Participated in Murders
Testifying at the trial for genocide in Srebrenica, a protected State Prosecution witness describes how he found out that men were killed in the Petkovci area in 1995.
Justice Radio Daily Report: Massacre at Bosnia’s Branjevo Farm ‘Like a Movie’
Na suđenju za genocid u Srebrenici, svjedok Stanko Kojić rekao je da je Aleksandar Cvetković vozio pripadnike Desetog diverzantskog odreda na Vojnu ekonomiju Branjevo, gdje je ubijeno više stotina Bošnjaka,...
Justice Radio Daily Report: Kos Recalls Executing Srebrenica Prisoners
Convicted war criminal Franc Kos told the genocide trial of Aleksandar Cvetkovic how he and his fellow troops executed Bosniak prisoners from Srebrenica at a farm in Branjevo in 1995.
Justice Radio Daily Report: Andrun Jailed For Gabela Camp Violence
Sud BiH smanjio je kaznu Nikoli Andrunu sa 18 na 14 godina zatvora zbog zločina počinjenih u logoru Gabela (opština Čapljina) nakon što je primijenjen Krivični zakon bivše Jugoslavije.
Justice Radio Daily Report: Hundreds of Srebrenica Corpses ‘Lying in Meadow
Svjedok Državnog tužilaštva kazao je na suđenju Aleksandru Cvetkoviću za genocid u Srebrenici, da je u julu 1995. godine na livadi Vojne ekonomije Branjevo vidio 500 do 600 ubijenih osoba.