At the trial of Bosnian Serb fighter Oliver Krsmanovic for atrocities in Visegrad in 1992, war crimes convict Zeljko Lelek testified that he never raped a woman with the defendant.
Mirsada Beganovic-Zutic, Defence attorney of indictee Tasic, tells the Trial Chamber that, prior to the beginning of the hearing, Hasecic “made a comment” to witness Drago Gavrilovic, requesting the Court...
A witness at the trial of ex-Bosnian Serb military policeman Savo Babic said several prisoners died due to a lack of oxygen at a school in Bratunac where hundreds were...
At the war crimes trial of former Bosnian Army deputy commander Nihad Bojadzic, a witness said the defendant picked out two female prisoners who were then raped.
Testifying at the trial for crimes in the Busovaca area, a State Prosecution witness says that he heard about the murder of some civilians and participation of indictees Marinic and...
Testifying at the trial for crimes in the Busovaca area, a State Prosecution witness says that he heard about the murder of some civilians and participation of indictees Marinic and...
Fugitive ex-Croatian Defence Council fighter Nikola Maric was detained on suspicion of participating in the wartime murders and expulsions of Bosniaks in the Prozor-Rama municipality.
A witness at the war crimes trial of guards accused of abusing prisoners at the Dretelj camp in southern Bosnia in 1992 said he was repeatedly beaten while being held...
Na suđenju za zločine počinjene u Višegradu, svjedok Odbrane je kazao kako optuženi Oliver Krsmanović nije bio u krugu džamije koja je zapaljena, već je bio u obližnjem kafiću.