Wednesday, 12 March 2025.
Analysis – Verdict in Condric Trial Expected Friday
After a trial that has lasted seven months, on Friday, September 18, the Bosnian state court will hand down a verdict in the Mato Condric trial.
HJPC Law Allows Members to Hold Two Jobs
According to the current law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC), members can work with the council and still keep their other jobs within the judicial system. This...
Analysis – Verdict in Dzevad Dulic Trial Expected Friday
The Bosnian state court will hand down a first instance verdict on Friday, September 11, in the Dzevad Dulic trial.
Krsmanovic Verdict Expected August 31
After a trial that has lasted three and a half years, the Bosnian state court will bring down its verdict in the Oliver Krsmanovic case on August 31.
The Trusina Attack: Five Year Trial Comes to a Close
After a trial that lasted nearly five years, the case involving the Bosnian Army attack on the village of Trusina ended. Five former members of the Bosnian Army will receive...
Bosnia Struggles with War Rape Compensation
Landmark verdicts from the Bosnian state court ordering wartime rapists to compensate their victims have run into trouble because the convicted men might be too poor to pay.
Delayed Payments for Ex-Officio Attorneys Endanger Right to Defense
Many attorneys representing war crime defendants ex-officio have been waiting for remuneration for their legal services from cantonal and district courts for years. Some have financed the defense of their...
Memories and Bones: The Missing of Srebrenica
Hundreds of Srebrenica victims’ families are still waiting for their loved ones’ remains to bury - but as time passes, it becomes more likely that only a few bones, if...
Srebrenica Jail Sentences: 630 Years and Counting
International and Bosnian courts have so far sentenced a total of 37 people to around 630 years in prison for genocide and other crimes against Bosniaks from Srebrenica 20 years...