More than half a million people follow pro-Russian Telegram channels covering the Balkans in Serbian and Russian languages. Followers are being urged to donate military equipment to Russia and join...
The bodies of 373 children who went missing during the Bosnian war have yet to be found. But despite a lack of new information about grave sites and dwindling numbers...
During a match last weekend, fans of a football club from Bijeljina displayed a banner of a notorious Russian military unit fighting in Ukraine. The Russian military unit, whose members...
The president of the Military Trade Union of Serbia, Novica Antic, is under investigation in Serbia for embezzlement. He maintains close ties with people connected to the regime of Vladimir...
Most people with developmental difficulties or intellectual disabilities want to work for their living, but in Bosnia and Herzegovina, only a few decide to accept jobs because they could lose...
In pursuing trial after trial for war crimes committed by Russian forces, Ukraine is failing to put the victims at the heart of a much-needed transitional justice strategy. To see...
Posts about the war in Gaza and images of killed civilians are being censored by platforms like Facebook and Instagram, causing journalists and human rights organisations to accuse the social...
Just before the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a Detektor crew visited Kyiv, where the fight against Russian media disinformation is considered part of the war. Experts in...
Serb nationalist and pro-Moscow groups from Bosnia, Serbia and Russia celebrated the controversial Day of Republika Srpska this week with fireworks, militaristic warnings and slogans glorifying war criminals.