Saturday, 1 February 2025.
Ikonic: Indictment for Genocide Confirmed
The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina confirms an indictment against Nedjo Ikonic for genocide committed in Srebrenica in July 1995. The indictment alleges that Ikonic, as Commander of the Second...
Koricanske stijene: Destroyed Life
After accepting a guilt admission agreement, the Trial Chamber has scheduled sentencing of Ljubisa Cetic, who is charged with shooting civilians at Koricanske stijene, for March 18. "I regret all...
Tomic and Josic: Acquitted of Charges
The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has acquitted Ljubo Tomic and Krsto Josic of the charges that they committed war crimes against civilians in Zvornik municipality.
Koricanske stijene: Another Guilt Admission Agreement May be Signed
Indictee Ljubisa Cetic has given up on testifying for his defence, and his attorneys announced the possibility that he may sign a guilt admission agreement with the Prosecution of Bosnia...
Klickovic et al: Good Intentions
Mirko Orelj says he was pressured when he gave a statement to the State Prosecution, adding that he was not allowed to say "any good things about Gojko Klickovic".
Koricanske stijene: Wrong Crime Scene
Zelimir Knezevic, a former cartographer at the Republika Srpska Army archive section, says that after having visited the location where 200 civilians were killed on August 21 he determined that...
Hodzic et al: Suspect Responsible for Opening of Investigation
The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina files a motion requesting extension of custody of Zulfikar Alispago on suspicion that he participated in crimes committed in Trusina village.
Klickovic et al: Unforced departures
Gojko Klickovic one of the indictees, charged with crimes committed in Bosanska Krupa, appears at the trial and continues presenting documents in an attempt to prove that Bosniaks were "resettled"...
Koricanske stijene: Help for Family Members
Protected witness O4 says Ljubisa Cetic helped her family members leave Prijedor with a convoy on August 21, 1992. "On that day I cried a lot.