Testifying at a trial dealing with the Srebrenica genocide, additional defense witnesses said that defendants Ostoja Stanisic and Marko Milosevic were at a forward command post and on the frontline...
The trial of Nenad Przulj began with a reading of the indictment and the presentation of introductory statements at the Bosnian state court. Przulj has been charged with crimes against...
Presenting its closing statement, the state prosecution called upon the state court to find Zoran Bjelica and Novica Tripkovic guilty of crimes in the Kalinovik area and sentence them in...
A state prosecution witness said approximately 100 Serbs were detained in the Ivan Goran Kovacic school building in Livno. The witness said the detainees were under the control of Muhamed...
Former Bosnian Army soldiers Adil Vojic and Bekir Mesic were sentenced to seven years in prison each for raping a woman in Bihac in the country’s north-west in May 1994.
Testifying at the trial of three witnesses charged with crimes in Srebrenik, defense witnesses said they didn’t see defendant Sejdalija Covic on the premises of the local community in Rapatnica,...
The trial of Djordje Ristanic began with a reading of the indictment and the presentation of the state prosecution’s introductory statement. Ristanic has been charged with crimes against humanity in...
An additional state prosecution witness testified at the trial of eight former Bosnian Serb Army members charged with war crimes in Karacici. The witness confirmed she was present during the...
A state prosecution witness testified at the trial of five former Bosnian Serb police officials charged with participating in the Srebrenica genocide. The witness, Mile Vuksic said he guarded buses...