Thursday, 20 March 2025.
Military Policeman ‘Watched Troops Beat Detainees’ in Buzim
A prosecution witness claimed that military policeman Mehmed Alesevic, who is on trial for war crimes, was present while other soldiers beat him up at a motel in Buzim in...
Bosniak Deputy Commander Faces Prisoner Abuse Retrial
Nihad Bojadzic, the former deputy commander of the Bosnian Army’s Zulfikar Squad, will be retried for the abuse of Croat prisoners of war in the Jablanica area in 1993. The...
Sarajevo Police Commander Pleads Innocent to War Crimes
Dragan Vikic, the wartime commander of Bosnian interior ministry special police units in besieged Sarajevo, pleaded not guilty to involvement in the killing of eight Yugoslav People’s Army prisoners in...
Prijedor Policeman ‘Beat Up Bosniak Detainee’
A former prisoner told the trial of four Serb ex-policemen that one defendant beat him up near Prijedor in 1992, while other prisoners disappeared during the night.
Bosniak’s Father ‘Fatally Assaulted’ by Janja Police
At the trial of ten former policemen for wartime crimes in the town of Janja, a prosecution witness said that his father up was beaten up by the police in...
Bosnian Serb Troops ‘Rounded Up Bosanski Novi Villagers’
At the trial of 13 former Bosnian Serb fighters for murdering 24 people in Bosanski Novi in 1992, a witness testified how she saw troops rounding up men from her...
Female Fighter ‘Beat and Tortured’ Prisoners in Derventa
A former prisoner told the trial of Croatian Defence Council ex-fighter Azra Basic that a woman assaulted and humiliated him while he was in captivity in Derventa in 1992. Prosecution...
Bosnia Jails Fighter for Abusing Serb Prisoners
Former Croatian Defence Council fighter Almaz Nezirovic was sentenced to two years in prison for war crimes against Serb civilians who were abused in a detention camp in Derventa in...
Srebrenica Men ‘Driven to Pileca to be Killed’
At a Srebrenica genocide trial, a prosecution witness said he transported Bosniak men from a stadium in Kasaba to a community centre in Pileca, where hundreds were later killed.