Monday, 17 March 2025.
Bosnia Convicts Serb Ex-Soldier of Killing Bosniak Family
Former Bosnian Serb soldier Sretko Pavic was sentenced to 13 years in prison for the detention and killing of five Bosniak civilians, all members of the same family, near Prijedor...
Bosniaks Appeal Convictions for Hadzici Detention Centre Crimes
Eight Bosniaks launched an appeal against their convictions for committing crimes against Serb and Croat civilians who were illegally held in wartime detention camps in the Hadzici area.
Court Urged to Convict Bosnian Army Ex-Soldiers of Rape
Prosecutor Marijana Cobovic told the appeals chamber of the Bosnian state court in Sarajevo on Wednesday that it had been proved during the retrial that Samir Kesmer and Mirsad Menzilovic...
Bosnian Serb Ex-Official Blames Army Officer for Massacre
A former Bosnian Serb deputy interior minister told the trial of eight Serb ex-policemen that army security chief Ljubisa Beara triggered a massacre of Bosniaks from Srebrenica in the village...
Bosnian Serb Ex-Policeman Retried for Wartime Rape
Former policeman Dragan Janjic went on trial again for the rape of a woman in Miljevina near Foca in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992 after a previous verdict convicting him...
Bosnian Army Ex-Commander Proclaims Innocence, Urges Acquittal
Former Bosnian Army brigade commander Ahmet Sejdic told the Bosnian court that he was not guilty of wartime crimes against Serb civilians and prisoners of war in Rudo, Visegrad and...
Bosnian Prosecution Urges Higher Sentence for Serb Ex-Soldier
The prosecution argued that former Bosnian Serb soldier Zdravko Lubarda’s six-year sentence for committing crimes against humanity by persecuting Bosniaks in the Rogatica area in 1992 and 1993 should be...
Bosnian Army Ex-Troops Appeal Convictions for Crimes Against Croats
Four former Bosnian Army soldiers appealed against their convictions for crimes against Bosnian Croat civilians at a detention facility in the village of Kruscica, near Vitez in 1993. Defence lawyers...