Case: Ivanovic Zeljko


25. April 2012.
Sud BiH osudio je Željka Ivanovića na 13 godina zatvora za zločin protiv čovječnosti počinjen u Srebrenici u julu 1995. Sudsko vijeće je zaključilo da je Ivanović kriv što je učestvovao u zarobljavanju muškaraca bošnjačke nacionalnosti na lokalitetu Sandići (općina Bratunac), te njihovom sprovođenju i zatvaranju u skladište u Kravici 13.


27. February 2012.
At a status conference held as part of the trial of Zeljko Ivanovic, who is charged with genocide in Srebrenica, the Trial Chamber renders a decision to decline a Prosecution's proposal for the examination of Richard Butler, US military expert witness and former ICTY investigator.

26. January 2012.
At the status conference held at the trial of Zeljko Ivanovic, who is charged with genocide in Srebrenica, the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina explained that it still awaits permission from the United States of America (U.S.A.), for the testimony of Richard Butler.