At the trial for crimes committed in Jablanica, the protected witness for the prosecution said that a girl, a relative of the witness, had told her that a man named “Nihad” raped her.
Closing arguments at the trial of three men accused of abusing prisoners in a stadium in Bugojno were postponed after the Bosnian prosecution amended the indictment, five years after the trial began.
A witness at the trial of five Croatian Defence Forces fighters for war crimes at Bosnia’s Dretelj detention camp in 1992 said that one of the defendants threatened to cut his throat.
A witness at the trial of five Croatian Defence Forces fighters for war crimes at Bosnia’s Dretelj detention camp in 1992 said that one of the defendants threatened to cut his throat.
The witness’s statement recalled how she tried to put out the flames after Bosnian Serb fighters set to the mosque in the village of Carakovo near Prijedor in 1992.
The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina files an indictment against Drago Samardzija, former Commander of the 17th Light Infantry Brigade from Kljuc, charging him with crimes committed in the Kljuc area in 1992.
Tužioci u Haagu su izvođenje dokaza protiv Ratka Mladića nastavili iskazom forenzičkog patologa Johna Clarka o brojnim autopsijama posmrtnih ostataka ekshumiranih iz masovnih grobnica u vezi sa padom Srebrenice, koje je obavio od 1999. do 2001. godine.
U ovom izdanju poslušajte izvještaje sa suđenja u predmetima: Ratko Mladić, Branko Vlačo, Edin Džeko, te Predrag Milisavljević i drugi. U rubrici Fokus govorimo o odustajanju Tužilaštva BiH od svjedoka zbog nemogućnosti organizovanja transporta do suda.
Testifying in defence of Ljubomir Tasic, who is charged with crimes in Visegrad, a witness says that he heard that Bosniaks left the Visegrad area with convoys in 1992.
Haški proces bivšem komandantu Vojske Republike Srpske Ratku Mladiću, optuženom za genocid u BiH, protekle sedmice obilježilo je svjedočenje njegovog ratnog zamjenika, generala Manojla Milovanovića.
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