Former Bosnian Croat military policeman Frano Vulic was sentenced to ten years in prison for war crimes against civilian prisoners in the Dretelj detention camp near Capljina in 1993..
U nastavku suđenja za zločine počinjene u Vogošći, svjedok Tužilaštva BiH je ispričao da je čuo kako izvjesni Mongo maltretira i tjera zatvorenike da se oralno zadovoljavaju.
Više o tome pročitajte na
The trial of Aleksandar Cvetkovic, who is charged with genocide in Srebrenica, begins with reading of the indictment and presentation of introductory statements by the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Defence.
U odbranu Radovana Karadžića, minule sedmice, u Haagu su svjedočili njegov najbliži saradnik Momčilo Krajišnik i potpukovnik Vojske Republike Srpske, Vujadin Popović.
U nastavku suđenja Ratku Mladiću, ekspert Haškog tužilaštva za minobacače Richard Higgs potvrdio je nalaze istraga o eksplozijama u Sarajevu 1994. i 1995. godine, po kojim su granate koje su usmrtile i ranile stotine civila bile ispaljene sa srpske strane.
As agreed at a status conference, the trial of Aleksandar Cvetkovic, who is charged with genocide in Srebrenica, is due to begin with reading of the indictment and presentation of State Prosecution’s introductory statement on Tuesday, November 12.
Josip Tolic pleads not guilty of crimes against the civilian population in Odzak and Bosanski Brod in 1992.
“I plead not guilty,” Tolic said, pointing out that he believed in the legal state and court.
As decided at a status conference held before the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Goran Saric’s trial for genocide in Srebrenica in July 1995 is due to begin with the reading of the indictment and presentation of introductory statements on November 19.
At the trial for the crime committed in Blace, the witness for the prosecution said that a woman named Jasminka issued an order that the bodies of murdered old women be set on fire.
U ovom izdanju poslušajte izvještaje sa suđenja u predmetima: Radovan Karadžić, Ratko Mladić, Marko Adamović i Boško Lukić, te Ivan Zelenika i drugi.
U rubrici Fokus prenosimo dio intervjua sa Milutinom Mišićem, članom Kolegija Instituta za nestale osobe u BiH, koji izražava nadu da će avio i satelitski snimci, koji su zatraženi od zapadnih zemalja, pomoći da se ostvari pomak u traganju za nestalim.