Džana Brkanić


18. August 2017.
Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic urged the UN to allow Serbian citizens convicted of war crimes to serve their sentences in their home country, although this request was not granted when he asked in 2013. Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic asked UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Thursday to enable Serbian citizens who have been convicted by the Hague Tribunal to serve their sentences in Serbia, because of alleged “inhumane conditions” in countries where they are being placed.


13. June 2017.
In the second of two reports on the education system in Bosnia, where children are taught differently according to ethnicity, experts argue that segregated schooling is a way of keeping people divided. Three different curriculums – Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian – are taught in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s schools in parallel. There are no joint textbooks, […]