Saturday, 1 February 2025.
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The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina sentenced Kos, under a second instance verdict, to 35 and Kojic to 32 years in prison for crimes against humanity committed in the Srebrenica area in 1995. They are due to testify on Monday, February 3 and Tuesday, February 4.

The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina charges Aleksandar Cvetkovic, former member of the Tenth Reconnaissance Squad of VRS, with having participated in the murder of at least 900 Srebrenica residents on Branjevo farm on July 16, 1995.

Indictees Zoran Babic and Velemir Djuric, who are on trial, along with Dragomir Soldat, for having shot men in front of a mosque in Carakovo village on July 23, 1992, are due to testify in their own defence on Monday.

Indictee Srecko Herceg, who is indicted, along with Ivan Zelenika, Edib Buljubasic, Ivan Medic and Marina Grubisic-Fejzic, for crimes in Dretelj detention camp, is due to testify in his defence one day later.

The trial of Najdan Mladjenovic and Savo Zivkovic, who are charged with crimes in Bratunac in 1992, continues on Tuesday with presentation of State Prosecution’s closing statement.

Appeals against a verdict pronounced in the case of Veselin Vlahovic, who was sentenced to 45 years in prison for crimes against civilians in Grbavica, Vraca and Kovacici neighbourhoods, Sarajevo, are due to be presented on Wednesday, February 5.

One day later an appeal will be presented before the Appellate Chamber in the case against Osman Brkan, who was acquitted of charges for crimes in Blaca, near Konjic.

Enes Maksumic, who is charged, along with Azem Ibrovic and Jusuf Hindic, with crimes against Croat civilians and prisoners of war in Jablanica, is due to enter his plea on Tuesday. A plea hearing in the case against Goran Vujovic and Miroslav Duka, who are charged with crimes committed in Bileca, is scheduled for Friday.

The trial of Edin Dzeko for crimes in Trusina and Jablanica continues on Tuesday, just like the trials of Predrag Milisavljevic, Milos Pantelic and Ljubomir Tasic for crimes in Visegrad, and Goran Saric for crimes in Srebrenica.

The trials of Ostoja Stanisic and Marko Milosevic, who are charged with genocide in Srebrenica, Branko Vlaco for crimes in the Vogosca area, Zemir Kovacevic, who is indicted for crimes in Bosanski Brod, and Vehid Subotic, who is charged with crimes in the Zenica area, are due to continue on Wednesday.

A pre-trial status conference in the case against Mehura Selimovic, Adil Ruznic and Emir Mustafic is due to be held before the Appellate Chamber on Thursday, February 6. Under a first instance verdict, they were pronounced guilty of crimes in the Krajina region. The verdict was quashed in December last year.

On that same day the trials are due to continue in the case against Dzevad Salcin and Nedzad Hodzic for crimes on Mount Igman, and Josip Tolic, who is charged with crimes in Odzak and Bosanski Brod.

Mustafa Djelilovic, Fadil Covic, Mirsad Sabic, Nezir Kazic, Becir Hujic, Halid Covic, Serif Mesanovic and Nermin Kalember, who are charged with crimes in Silos, are due to appear in court on Thursday.

On Friday, February 7 the trials are due to continue in the case against Ibro Macic, who is charged with crimes in Konjic, and Safet Mujcinovic, Selman Busnov, Nusret Muhic, Hariz Habibovic, Zijad Hamzic, Ramiz Halilovic, Nedzad Hodzic and Kahro Vejzovic, who are indicted for crimes in Kladanj.

The continuation of the trial of Ramiz Avdovic and Iulian-Nicolae Vintila, who are charged with crimes in Sarajevo, is scheduled for the last working day of next week.

In the week ahead the retrial is due to continue in the case against Drazen Mikulic, who is indicted for crimes in Dretelj detention camp, Capljina.

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