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Silos: Witness Recalls Beatings in Camp

19. October 2012.00:00
At the trial for crimes committed in Hadzici, a prosecution witness described beatings and abuse of Serb civilians imprisoned in the Silos camp and the Krupa army barracks between 1992 and 1995.

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Boro Suvajlo said that shortly after he was brought to the Silos camp he was taken to the office of the warden, Becir Hujic, where “inspectors questioned him.” He added that afterwards he was taken away and beaten.

“I don’t know who beat me, but the next day I was once again taken to the questioning by an inspector, who saw me like that. He called Becir Hujic and asked him what was going on, and told him he would file a report on it,” recalled the witness.

Becir Hujic is charged with crimes committed in the Silos camp, the Krupa barracks and the 9th May primary school, together with Mustafa Djelilovic, Fadil Covic, Mirsad Sabic, Nezir Kazic, Halid Covic, Serif Mesanovic and Nermin Kalember.

According to the indictment, Becir Hujic was the warden of the Silos camp, Djelilovic was the president of the local assembly and the war presidency in the municipality of Hadzici, while Serif Mesanovic was one of the deputy wardens in Silos and the warden of the Krupa barracks cap. The other defendants were police, government and army officials.

Suvajlo said that on one occasion a person hit him, and Becir Hujic was “watching, but did not react.”

“After a month spent in a cell, I was moved to another one beside which women were held captive. They were beaten, abused, forced to take their clothes off. All of that could be heard in our cell and when they cried, we cried with them,” said Suvajlo.

Speaking about conditions in Silos, the witness said that he did not bathe for the first seven to eight months from the time he arrived and that he slept on a concrete floor.

The next hearing is scheduled for October 31, when the cross-examination would resume.

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