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Testimony about Mother’s Rape

27. January 2015.00:00
Testifying at the trial for crimes in Odzak, a State Prosecution witness says that his mother was raped after having been taken from an acquaintance's house in the summer of 1992.

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Risto Makic said that he was in that house with his mother and brother and that armed uniformed men came during the night at the beginning of June 1992.

The witness said that he recognized Ilija Juric, known as Bekrija, and indictee Marijan Brnjic by his voice. He said that Brnjic hit him on his back with a rifle and that his mother was told that she would be taken in order to give a statement.

“When she came back, her clothes were torn and she was covered with blood. She was visibly exhausted and could hardly walk,” said the witness, who was 16 at the time.

He said that, while they were in the house, he heard his mother telling another person that she was raped. A day later the military police of the Croatian Defence Council, HVO, took his mother to a see a doctor in Odzak.

Makic, whose mother died during the investigation, said that she did not tell the military policemen about the perpetrators of the rape.

The witness said that his mother told him later on that she recognised Brnjic among the men, who took her away, and that, when she asked him where they were taking her to, he told her that he would kill her children if she told anyone that she recognised him.

The Prosecution of BiH charges Brnjic, Martin Barukcic, Pavo and Ilija Glavas, former members of the 102nd Brigade of the Croatian Defence Council, HVO, with having raped, beaten, abused, humiliated and threatened Serb women.

Indictee Brnjic asked the witness where he knew him from. The witness said that he knew him from a football playground.

“You are ten years younger than me and you are saying that we played football together,” the indictee asked. Makic explained that he was at the playground, expecting that the older boys would invite him to play if they lacked players.

The witness said that he used to see the indictee at the playground from 1988 to 1991. Brnjic responded by saying: “I got married in 1987 and went to Switzerland. I never attended those football games.”

Defence attorney Rifat Konjic said that the witness had never spoken to indictee Brnjic. “I did not talk to him, but the man spoke,” the witness said.

Branka Praljak, Defence attorney of indictee Pavo Glavas, asked the witness whether his mother told him who the potential perpetrators were. He said: “Marijan Brnjic, Martin Barukcic, Ilija Glavas, Pavo Glavas, Ilija Juric and Jozo Barukcic.”

The witness further said that his mother was not sure about Jozo Barukcic and Ilija Juric. Responding to an additional question by Defence attorney Praljak, he said that she recognised the Glavas brothers by voice. The witness said that it was not known to him that proceedings were being conducted against Ilija Juric for having raped his mother.

Defence attorney Senad Bilic said that Ilija Glavas was not charged with the rape of the witness’ mother.

The witness also said that he used to see Martin Barukcic at the playground as well, but the indictee denied that, saying that he was “an academic citizen”.

“You are now insulting me by saying that illiterate people play football,” the witness said.

The journalist was excluded from one part of the witness’ testimony. The trial is due to continue on February 10.

Amer Jahić

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