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Terrifying Person

15. January 2014.00:00
Testifying at the trial for crimes in the Vogosca area, State Prosecution witnesses say that they saw indictee Branko Vlaco hitting some of the detainees.

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At the beginning of June 1992 Izet Sehic was taken from Gornja Bioca to Podlugovi, where he was detained for about 70 days. After that he was transferred to “Planjina Kuca” in Semizovac.

“During the first few days we had a TV and food, just like members of the Army. One day a Serb soldier broke the TV, insulting us,” Sehic said, adding that detainees then had to go to other locations where they performed forced labour and were used as human shields.

According to his testimony, Vlaco was Manager of “Planjina Kuca”. He said that, in most cases Vlaco lined them up in the morning and distributed them to work as human shields according to a list.

“About forty of us were once taken to some pit on Zuc hill. We thought that they were going to bury us alive. After that we were used as human shields,” Sehic recalled, adding that four detainees were killed on that occasion.

He said that Vlaco hit his brother Hilmo and detainee Avdo.

“Vlaco was in charge of everything. He was a terrifying person,” Sehic said.

Vlaco is charged with crimes committed in “Planjina Kuca”, “Bunker”, “Kod Sonje” and “Nakina Garaza” buildings. In addition, he is charged with having established, in his capacity as Manager, a system for punishment of detained civilians. According to the charges, detainees were abused, forced to perform labour and used as human shields. Many of them were killed at those locations, while tens of them are still missing.

Second State Prosecution witness Refik Sehic said that he thought that he was brought to “Planjina Kuca” at the beginning of August 1992.

“I saw Vlaco hitting Hilmo Sehic on his chest. Anybody could enter the premises and beat us. We were unprotected in ‘Planjina Kuca’,” Sehic said.

He told the Court that he used to perform forced labour, explaining that Vlaco decided who would go by “pointing at us with his hand, without using any lists”.

According to the witness’ testimony, nobody beat him during his detention in “Planjina Kuca”.

Another witness was due to testify at this hearing, but the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina gave up on his testimony due to his bad health.

The trial is due to continue on January 22, when four State Prosecution witnesses will be examined.

Džana Brkanić

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