Wednesday, 19 February 2025.
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Presenting his findings and opinion about the cause of death of the people who were killed in Carakovo village, court expert Nermin Sarajlic said that their remains were discovered in three graves.

According to the court expert’s testimony, most of the bodies found near the mosque had injuries caused by bullets to their heads and chest areas.  

“An exhumation from a grave in Donja Mahala was conducted as well. The cause of death of the person, whose body was found in it, were injuries of the pelvis and upper leg caused by a firearm projectile,” court expert Sarajlic said.

According to the charges, acting on an order issued by Dragomir Soldat, Zoran Babic and Velemir Djuric, who were accompanied by other persons known to them, took male residents from their houses in Carakovo village, escorted them to the local mosque and shot them on July 23, 1992.

The indictment alleges that some of the men, who survived the shooting, died after indictees Djuric and Babic had set the mosque on fire, because burning parts of the mosque fell over their bodies.

Court expert Sarajlic said that three bodies were found in Jakarina Kosa mass grave. He added that it was not possible to determine the cause of death of two persons, whose bodies were found in that mass grave.

“The cause of death remains unknown, because not all parts of the bodies have been found,” Sarajlic said, adding that their identity was determined through a DNA analysis.

The trial is due to continue on August 19, when two new State Prosecution witnesses will be examined.

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