Saturday, 8 February 2025.
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Prijavom potvrđujete da imate više od 16 godina i slažete se da povremeno primate promotivne ponude za programe koji podržavaju novinarstvo Možete se odjaviti ili prilagoditi svoje postavke u bilo kojem trenutku.

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According to Jankovic, reports and other documents, in the name of the Commander could have been signed by a dozen other inspectors. Even if none of them were present, he said, the chief operator could have signed the documents.

“It does not mean I am the author of the documents. When Simo is away, the secretary asks for signatures on certain documents”, said Jankovic, who began his testimony on November 6.

Simo Drljaca was charged by The Hague tribunal for crimes in Prijedor but he was killed during his arrest in 1997.

For crimes committed in Koricanske stijene, where about 200 civilians were killed, Jankovic is charged along with Zoran Babic, Milorad Skrbic and Zeljko Stojnic, former members of the Prijedor police.

Under a first instance verdict, Jankovic as the former deputy commander of the Prijedor police station was sentenced to 27 years in prison, Babic and Skrbic were sentenced to 22 years respectively and 15 years. The Appeals Chamber quashed this verdict and ordered a retrial.

Answering questions by the Prosecution, Jankovic said it was true he was the peace-time deputy commander of the police station and that this function was “frozen since reserve police stations were formed when the war began until the Dayton Accord”.

He said it was not true he was “Police Commander” during the war, as is stated in several documents that the Prosecution presented during this hearing.

“I do not agree with this text. It was created outside the time scope of this indictment. It comes from an internal system. Nothing in it is correct”, said Jankovic, when presented with a report from the Prijedor police from November 1994 in which, as was said during the trial, he is listed as “Commander of Police”.

The Prosecution and Defence also proposed that several witnesses who previously testified be called again to face each other in the courtroom. The judges will decide on this proposal on November 19, when the retrial continues.

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