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Kornjaca: Indictee Armed and Uniformed

14. May 2012.00:00
As the trial of Milun Kornjaca, who is charged with crimes in Cajnice continues, a State Prosecution witness says that he used to see the indictee, who was armed and uniformed, in Cajnice in 1991.

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“He was employed at Sumarstvo. He used to come to my office as a patient. I used to see him in camouflage uniform in October 1991. He was armed. Besides him, a couple of other men began wearing some uniforms. Some of them publicly bragged about having been on battlefields in Croatia. They opened fire from firearms in front of the hotel in the town, causing discomposure and unrest among the local population,” said Alija Mocevic, who used to work as a medical doctor in Cajnice before the war.

The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina charges Kornjaca, former Commander of the “Plavi orlovi” (“Blue Eagles”) Paramilitary Unit, with the persecution of Bosniaks from the Cajnice area and the murder of 11 civilians at Mostina on May 19, 1992.

Mocevic said that, at the beginning of 1992 checkpoints were set up in order to control the movement of the Muslim population, adding that he used to see uniformed people with cockades on their hats.

“On April 10 or 11, 1992, as President of the Party for Democratic Action, I signed documents that should have guaranteed peace and security. I signed all of them with the aim of saving the local population,” Mocevic said.

He pointed out that Milun Kornjaca was not an active participant in the meeting, but he was present in the school building and said that Cajnice would be a Serbian municipality.

Mocevic said that he left Cajnice after having handed his hunting gun over.

The witness said that a man named Dervis told him, while they were in Skopje, that Milun Kornjaca had put a knife on his throat.

The trial is due to continue on May 15, when the Defence of the indictee will cross-examine the witness.

This post is also available in: Bosnian