Saturday, 15 February 2025.
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Together with his military superior Mladen Naletilic, Martinovic was convicted in 2003 for Croatian campaign of ethnic cleansing of Bosniaks from Mostar, ethnically mixed city in Herzegovina, south BiH, in 1993.

Martinovic was convicted for willful killing, persecutions on political, racial and religious grounds, inhumane acts, murder and other crimes. It was proved in court that he personally participated in killing of Nenad Harmandzic, who was brought to Martinovic’s staff office in July 1993, severely beaten and murdered by a gunshot in the face.Martinovic, then commander in socalled „Convicts battallion“ of bosnian Croats militia HVO, also personally participated in forced expelling Bosniak civilians from their homes in May 1993.ICTY indicted Martinovic in December 1998. In August next year, he was captured by Croatian police and transferred to ICTY. On 31st March 2003, he was convicted to 18 years, and his commander Mladen Naletilic to 20 years in prison.In 2008, after ICTY appeal chamber confirmed both sentences, Martinovic was transferred to prison in Italy. He was released after 12 years in prison, according to the ICTY rule that a convict could be released after serving two thirds of the sentence.B.P.

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