Monday, 24 February 2025.
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“I plead not guilty,” Malenica and Muracevic both said before the court.

The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina charges Malenica and Muracevic with having published an article disclosing the identity of a protected witness who testified at a war crimes trial before the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2009. The indictment alleges that in addition to the name and last name of the protected witness, the indictees published five photographs and some parts of her statement.

“The witness was a victim of multiple rape and sexual abuse. For that reason, she was granted protection measures,” the State Prosecution’s indictment says.

The Prosecution alleges that at the time the article was published, Malenica and Muracevic knew that other media stations and information services had not disclosed the witness’ identity. The indictment alleges that the indictees then published “various pieces of information about the protected witness” on two other occasions.

The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina confirmed the indictment against Malenica and Muracevic on March 25, 2011.

According to the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is applied before the State Court, a person may be sentenced to between three months and five years in prison for disclosing a protected witness’ identity.


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