Saturday, 1 February 2025.
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After the Defence and the State Prosecution confirmed that they were ready for the beginning of the trial of Zoran Maric, the Trial Chamber decided that the trial would begin on Wednesday, October 8.

The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina charges Maric, as a member of the Mrkonjic Brigade with the Republika Srpska Army, VRS, with having participated in shooting civilians in Tisovac village, Jajce Municipality, on September 10, 1992. The indictment alleges that 23 people were killed and four survived the shooting.

The Prosecution contends that before they were shot, the civilians were “robbed and mistreated”.

Defence attorney Goran Askovic announced the possibility of signing a guilt admission agreement between his client and the Prosecution, since the indictee was not capable of attending the trial due to poor health.

“Some time ago my client had a severe car accident. His hearing has been damaged. He suffers from epilepsy. He was also diagnosed with amnesia some time ago, which means that he can hardly remember the events that took place in 1992. After we have received his medical documents from Serbia, I think we will reach a guilt admission agreement with the Prosecution. The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be informed in good time,” Askovic said.

The Prosecution indicated that if the trial goes ahead anyway he will examine ten witnesses and one court medical expert as part of its evidence presentation.

Maric has been in custody since July 8 this year, after having been extradited by Serbia.

The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has already pronounced a first-instance verdict, sentencing Mirko (son of Mile) Pekez to 29 years in prison, Mirko (son of Spiro) Pekez to 14 years and Milorad Savic to 21 years for the same crime.

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