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Week ahead: Verdict for Eastern Herzegovina Crimes Due

20. March 2009.00:00
Next week the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina will pronounce a verdict in the case of two indictees charged with crimes committed in eastern Herzegovina.

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On Tuesday, March 24 the verdict is due to be pronounced in the case of Krsto Savic and Milko Mucibabic. The two indictees are charged, as members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republika Srpska, with participation in the persecution, detention, mistreatment and murder of civilians from the eastern Herzegovina region.

On the same day the State Prosecution will continue presenting evidence, by examining an expert witness, at the trial of Novak Djukic, who is charged with the shelling of Tuzla in May 1995.

In the course of next week the Appeals Chamber of the State Court will consider first-instance verdict appeals in the cases of Sefik Alic and Zijad Kurtovic, former members of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Zdravko Mihaljevic, a former member of the Croatian Defence Council, HVO.

Alic was charged with committing crimes against captured members of the Serbian Krajina Army. He is due to appear before the Appeals Chamber on March 23. Kurtovic, who was charged with crimes committed in Mostar Municipality, is due to appear before the Court on March 25, while Mihaljevic, who was charged with participation in the murder and torture of civilians in Tulice village, in Kiseljak Municipality, will appear before the Court the following day.

Alic and Mihaljevic were acquitted of all charges by the first-instance verdicts, while Kurtovic was sentenced to 11 years’ imprisonment.

Three trials for genocide committed in Srebrenica are due to continue next week. These crimes are charged upon five former members of the Army and Police of Republika Srpska.
Another status conference is due to take place at the trial of Milorad Trbic on Monday, March 23. New Prosecution witnesses are due to appear at the trial of Radomir Vukovic and Zoran Tomic on March 23 and 27 and at the trial of Momir Pelemis and Slavko Peric on March 25 and 26.

On March 23 and 26 next week the Defence is due to continue presenting evidence at the trial of Predrag Bastah and Goran Viskovic, who are accused by the Prosecution of committing crimes in Vlasenica Municipality.

The Defence of Momir Savic, charged with crimes committed in Visegrad, is due to continue presenting evidence on March 24, when protected witness B will be examined in camera. The Defence of Rade Veselinovic, who is charged with crimes committed in the Hadzici area, will continue presenting evidence the following day. 

On March 23 and 25 the Prosecution is due to continue presenting evidence against Vinko Kondic, Bosko Lukic and Marko Adamovic, who are charged with crimes committed in Kljuc. The trial for crimes committed in the Penal and Correctional Facility in Kula in Sarajevo, which are charged upon Radoje Lalovic and Soniboj Skiljevic, is due to continue on March 25 and 26.

On Wednesday, March 25 the trial is due to continue in the case of Nisvet Gasal, Musajb Kukavica, Enes Handzic and Senad Dautovic, who are charged with crimes committed against Bosnian Croats held in detention camps in Bugojno. On the same day and also on Friday, March 27 Ante Kovac, who is charged with crimes committed in Vitez, is due to appear before the Court.
On Thursday, March 26 at the trial of Suljo Karajic, the indictee is due to appear as a witness once again. He will answer Prosecution questions concerning crimes committed in the Bihac area in 1994 and 1995.

On the same day the trial is due to continue in the case of Ferid Hodzic, former Commander of the Territorial Defence in Vlasenica, who is charged with participation in the capture and abuse of Serb civilians and prisoners of war, as well as Ratko Bundalo, Nedjo Zeljaja and Djordjislav Askraba, who are charged with crimes committed in Kalinovik.

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