Justice Report
With its objective, time lyand unbiased reports, BIRN’s Justice Report provides a support network for media, the general public and displaced citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina throughout the world.
Justice Report offers BiH, regional and international media, as well as the general public, regular,comprehensive, objective and reliable information on war crimes processes and other events, which helps people from Bosnia and Herzegovina to confront the past.
Justice Report is the only agency providing comprehensive coverage of the War Crimes Chamber within the Court of BiH. Beside reports from War Crimes Chamber processes, we also offer analysis and monitor and report on changes in the legal system and alternative mechanisms for determining the truth about past events in BiH. All our reports are published in two languages at www.bim.ba and are available for free to all who are interested.
Once per week, JusticeReport issues a magazine containing all the reports that were published during the week. It is sent by email to registered subscribers. If you would like to receive Justice Reportvia email, please register at www.bim.ba or write to [email protected] Justice Report is published in the languages of the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina and English.
Launched two years ago, Justice Report has over 3.000 registered subscribers in the country and abroad,and around 9.000 individuals are visiting our magazine’s web address every month.
Justice Report enjoys the support of numerous victims’ associations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
“We, sexually abused women and men,support only you. Because of our voluminous work in the association we don’t have time to monitor the trials, so we thank you for informing us and we fully support you,” Association Women Victims of War.
Media throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina rely on Justice Report for daily information on war crimes trials.
“I can gladly say that the information we receive from you via electronic mail is very welcome and we often, almost daily, use them,” Radion of Federation of BiH.
International academic and analytical institutions also use the service.
“Your organisation is an excellent source of information on justice and reconciliation,” Centre for Justice and Peace building, Eastern Mennonite University Harrisonburg, Virginia USA
In November 2006, BIRN redesigned its website, improving its content and interactivity. Visitors can send their comments to www.bim.ba.
If you would like moreinformation on Justice Report or other BIRN activities, please contact our office at [email protected]