The Defence completes the presentation of its evidence at the trial of Eso Macic, who is charged with crimes in the Konjic area, with the presentation of material evidence.
Testifying at the trial for crimes in Konjic, a Defence witness says that indictee Eso Macic did not participate in the murder of prisoner Scepo Gotovac, but Esad Landzo, known as Zenga, killed him with a baseball bat.
Testifying at the trial for crimes in Konjic, a State Prosecution witness says that he heard that indictee Eso Macic, whom he recognised in the courtroom, participated in the beating of detainees in Celebici detention camp.
A State Prosecution witness testifies at the trial for crimes committed in Konjic and says that he assumes that indictee Eso Macic, known as Makaron, was among the guards who beat him up in August 1992.