Sunday, 23 February 2025.
Sedmični pregled našeg najboljeg materijala
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Kreeso was appointed by the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council, HJPC.

“I think they would have made a good decision if they had elected any of the other candidates as well, because we are not talking about individual interests, but the interests of the institution. Also, it is very good that they have shown they did not work under pressure, as media reported, but they have made the decision independently,” Kreeso told journalists.

She said that her past six-year mandate was marked by numerous activities aimed at building the capacities of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, adding that those actions produced some excellent results, but also some setbacks from which lessons have been learned.

“I am aware of the challenges facing us in the future. I should like to say that I will continue working with my colleagues, judges and associates, on the reforms and plans and projects ahead of us, because the future of the Court is an integral part of this country,” Kreso said.

She mentioned that six years ago the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina was staffed with 15 judges and 35 other employees, while at present the institution is home to 53 judges and more than 160 other employees.

Kreso thanked the HJPC for again showing confidence in her. She also thanked the professional community and local institutions and donors for their support because, she said, the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina “would not be able to exist in its current capacities” without their help, as well as the media for well-intentioned criticism.

“I would like to thank my colleagues who have applied to the position. All of them are quality and good people who have enabled the Council to choose the new president in a democratic way,” the President of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina said.

State Court judges Tihomir Lukes, Izo Tankic, Nenad Seleda, Davorin Jukic and Azra Miletic applied to the vacant position.


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