ICTY: Tribunal’s new web page
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A new web page of the Hague Tribunal, www.icty.org, has been active since last week. On December 15 representatives of the Public Relations Office started promoting the page in former Yugoslav countries.
The first promotion of the webpage was held in Sarajevo. On December 16 a promotion was also convened in Banja Luka.
“Our goal is for the web page to have a substantial role in overcoming the geographical gap between the Tribunal and the rest of the world. It represents a continuation of our efforts to reach the target groups and a valuable source of information for future generation,” said John Hocking, Deputy Registrar with the Tribunal.
The new page offers a detailed overview of the Tribunal’s activities, a possibility of following the proceedings taking place in courtrooms, as well as an overview of activities since the Tribunal’s establishment up to now.
“We hope that the internet page will be interesting to the general public and specialised groups, starting from legal experts to community members, who have been most affected by the crimes, with which the International Tribunal deals,” the Tribunal’s announcement indicates.
A map, which enables users to see in which areas the crimes, tried before the International Tribunal, were committed, represents a new feature on the web page. Another important chapter is the one called “The Voice of the victims”, containing data on testimonies as well as recordings of some of the testimonies.
“By this we are paying honour to those who dared come here and face the people, whose victims they had once been. This is just a part of the testimonies given before the Tribunal. It is an evidence of the courage of those people, who came there to testify,” said spokeswoman for the Tribunal, Nerma Jelacic, in the course of the promotion, adding that the page serves as “a bridge between the Tribunal, situated so far away, at the Hague, and the communities, who have most interest in the information on its work.”
The page also contains data on guilt admission agreements, as well as details concerning the two remaining fugitives – Ratko Mladic and Goran Hadzic.
Besides that, all those who visit the new webpage will be able to find additional pieces of information about the Tribunal, the history of the conflict in the former Yugoslavia, description of main bodies of the International Court and so on.
The “Cases” section contains more than 30,000 documents, including indictments, decisions, warrants, transcripts and verdicts, while the “Legal Library” section offers a possibility of reading legal documents governing the work of the International Tribunal.
A news archive and photo gallery are also newly introduced features.
In addition, numerous special reports on key issues of concern to the International Tribunal, international justice, rule of law and peace in the former Yugoslavia are also available.