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Week ahead: Ferid Hodzic to appear before Court again

7. November 2008.00:00
Following a two-month break, the trial for Vlasenica crimes is due to continue before the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina next week.

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After a break lasting nearly two months, Ferid Hodzic is due to appear before the State Court on Monday, November 10. His trial was postponed, in September, for “an indefinite period of time” due to his health state.

The State Prosecution charges Hodzic, as commander of the Territorial Defence, TD, in Vlasenica, with having participated in the crimes against Serbian civilians and prisoners of war in the “Barn” detention camp in Rovasi from 1992 to 1993.
On November 11 ten persons, who are charged with helping Radovan Stankovic escape from the Foca prison, are due to enter their pleas before the Organised Crime Section of the State Court.
Stankovic was sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment for crimes against humanity committed in Foca. He escaped from the prison on May 25, 2007. His brother Ranko Stankovic is one of the persons charged with helping him escape.
On Monday, November 10 the trial is due to continue in the case of Milorad Trbic, who is charged with genocide committed after the fall of the protected zone of Srebrenica.
The trial of Zrinko Pincic, former member of the Croatian Defence Council, HVO, who is charged with the multiple rape of a person in Konjic, is due to continue on November 10 and 11. On the same dates and also on November 14, the Appellate Chamber is due to continue hearing statements at the retrial of Kreso Lucic, another HVO member, who was sentenced, by a first instance verdict, to six years’ imprisonment for crimes committed in Kresevo.
On November 10 and 12 the Defence of Vinko Kondic, Marko Adamovic and Bosko Lukic will continue to cross-examine the witness, who spoke about the crimes in Kljuc municipality. 
On Monday and Friday, the trial is due to continue in the case of Ratko Bundalo, Nedjo Zeljaja and Djordjislav Askraba. The State Prosecution considers them responsible for crimes committed in the Kalinovik area.
According to the official timetable of the State Court, on November 10 and 12, a status conference is due to take place in the case of Radomir Vukovic and Zoran Tomic, who are charged with genocide in Srebrenica in July 1995. A decision pertaining to the Trial Chamber disqualification motion, filed by Vukovic’s Defence attorney, is due to be announced at this hearing.
A status conference at which Novak Djukic‘s Defence is due to present its evidence presentation plan will take place on Tuesday, November 11, 2008. Djukic, a former commander of the Ozren Tactical Group of the Republika Srpska Army, VRS, is charged with the shelling of Tuzla on May 25, 1995.
On Tuesday, November 11 two Prosecution witnesses are due to speak about the crimes against the non-Serbian population in Hadzici municipality, which are charged upon Rade Veselinovic, former member of the VRS Military Police. The trial is also due to continue in the case of Miodrag Nikacevic, who is charged with crimes against humanity in Foca in 1992.
Gojko Klickovic, Jovan Ostojic and Mladen Drljaca, who are charged, by the Prosecution, with crimes committed in Bosanska Krupa, are due to appear before the Court on November 11 and 12.
New Prosecution witnesses are due to appear at the trial of Nisvet Gasal, Musajb Kukavica, Enes Handzic and Senad Dautovic on November 12. The Prosecution considers the four men responsible for crimes against Bosnian Croats from Bugojno in 1993.
On the same day and also the day after the trial is due to continue in the case of Krsto Savic and Milko Mucibabic, former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republika Srpska, who are charged with crimes in Nevesinje, Gacko, Bileca and Kalinovik municipalities.
The trial of HVO members Marko Radic, Dragan Sunjic, Damir Brekalo and Mirko Vracevic, who are charged with crimes in Vojno detention camp, near Mostar, is due to continue on November 13, just like the trial of Predrag Bastah and Goran Viskovic, former members of police and military structures of Republika Srpska, who are charged with crimes against Bosniaks from Vlasenica.
On November 14 four new Defence witnesses are due to testify at the trial of Predrag Kujundzic, who is charged with participation in crimes committed in Doboj and the surrounding area. On the same day the trial is due to continue for crimes in Visegrad, which are charged upon Momir Savic.

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