Sarajevo Canton Condemns Bosnian General’s Arrest

7. May 2018.16:57
The Sarajevo Canton assembly condemned the arrest of 1990s general Atif Dudakovic and other members of the Fifth Corps of the Bosnian Army on suspicion of war crimes.

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The Sarajevo Canton assembly adopted a declaration on Monday, criticising the recent arrest of the retired 1990s general Atif Dudakovic and other members of the Fifth Corps of the Bosnian Army.

The men, suspected of war crimes against Serbs and Bosniaks in 1994 and 1995, were arrested on April 27.

The declaration condemns the operation to arrest the suspects, which it said portrayed “the heroes of the defensive-liberation war in complete contradiction to what they actually are”.

It also describes the arrests as “anti-Bosnian”.

But some Bosnian legal experts criticised the declaration, arguing that legislative bodies should not intervene in judicial matters.

    Albina Sorguč

    This post is also available in: Bosnian