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Trials Interrupted Due to Strike

23. May 2012.00:00
The Court police of Bosnia and Herzegovina have begun a one-hour warning strike due to the proposed budget, which foresees the reduction of salaries of state-level servants by four and a half percent.

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Court police, whose members execute warrants issued by the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and ensure security, will strike from 10 to 11 a.m. every day until Friday, May 25. In case the proposal for reduction of salaries has not been withdrawn by then, they will consider further steps.

“Our ultimate goal is to prevent the reduction of our salaries. The umbrella trade union will make a decision on next steps, in case the salary reduction item has not been withdrawn,” said Samir Cengic, President of the Trade Union of Court Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

He specified that the average salary of court policemen was KM 680.

Morning hearings, taking place before the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in cases where indictees are held in custody will be either interrupted or postponed until 11 a.m. due to the strike.

Servants working with Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina went on strike earlier, because of the announced reduction of salaries. Members of the State Investigation and Protection Agency, SIPA, Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies and other members of the Representative Trade Union of state and police servants and employees working with Bosnia and Herzegovina institutions are protesting together with the Court Police.

This post is also available in: Bosnian