Thursday, 13 March 2025.
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“This virtual collection is a gathering of 27 projects that were created on the theme of what was happening in Sarajevo between 1992 and 1996. All content is put together into a thematic design and presented in a virtual form”, said Miran Norderland, team leader of the virtual FAMA collection.

Virtual FAMA represents the largest collection of projects on the siege of Sarajevo that has been completed in the last 20 years, and which are presented in state-of-the-art technology.

The collection contains over 1,000 interviews with around 450 people from Sarajevo, a survey about the survival in Sarajevo, over 10,000 text messages related to the events between 1991 and 1995 in Sarajevo, when the city was under siege by Bosnian Serb forces.

This collection also includes video material related to the siege of Sarajevo, as well as over three thousand pieces of visual information.

Dino Mustafic, director of the Consortium of the FAMA project, said that the Sarajevo Siege Museum should be built in the next two years, and that so far the idea phase of the project has been finalised.

The FAMA project Consortium is made up of the International theater festival (MESS), FAMA International, association “Education Builds BiH“ (OGBiH) and Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR BiH).

Suada Kapic, author of the FAMA project, emphasised that the Sarajevo Siege Museum is a “living organism“, and that people who survived four years of war in Sarajevo are the creators of a new civilisation.

“It is important that we tell the world that we survived in the situation in which we were stripped of everything,” said Kapic.

The project was joined by the City of Sarajevo, as well as the Center Sarajevo municipality, which provided the land on which the Sarajevo Siege Museum will be built.

Miroslav Zivanovic, deputy mayor of Sarajevo, said that the Sarajevo Siege Museum would be a “new symbol for Sarajevo”.

“The Virtual FAMA collection Sarajevo Siege 1992 – 1996”, and “The Sarajevo Siege Museum – The Art of Living” was presented in Sarajevo’s Hastahana park at the Marijin-Dvor on Friday evening, where the Museum is supposed to be built.

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