Sunday, 23 February 2025.
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Press officers from the Swedish police could not reveal the identity of the arrested man, but said the arrest was made based on an international warrant issued at the request of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
“We are now waiting for the extradition request from BiH. When we get it, the Swedish Ministry of Justice and Prosecutor will bring the case before a court, which will decide on extradition,” Bertil Oloffson, head of the international section of the Swedish criminal police, told Justice Report.
Oloffson said that during the investigation, police officials cannot reveal the identity of the arrested man, but added he is “a man in his forties”.
“The arrested man has no Swedish citizenship. The government here will notify BiH on the arrest, and we hope maybe in January next year to hold a court proceeding regarding the extradition,” said Oloffson, who added the arrested man is suspected of genocide.
The BiH Prosecution said they have yet to receive information about the arrest, and that they expect “an official report from Sweden,” after which the BiH Ministry of Justice could start the extradition process.

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